I love watching opening credits. While most shows simply set a bunch of clips to music, a few recognise the power of an unforgettable opening, something that is visually stunning, humorous or just plain cool, all without recyling images from the show.
Here are two of my favourate opening credits...
Dead Like Me. This seqence is quirky, fun and proof that something as depressing as death can be too.
Six Feet Under. "We wanted something that you would see week after week and be entertained enough to keep watching. Something that wouldn't completely reveal itself on the first viewing" - Alan Poul

I love the way that the actual titles themselves were worked in. It's a very elegant and understated approach.
The thing that sticks out the most is the crow. It seemed like something that was not literally tied to the show and not overly macabre, but so evocative of the darker feeling that the show would conjure up.
Did you know that it is illegal to film true crows in the United States for commercial purposes?
As a result, the crow used was actually a pied crow. It has a white chest, so they had to paint it black.